Who Am I to Teach YOU How to Grow Flowers?

I always feel like a sham when I share my growing techniques because I don’t follow the textbook. And let’s be honest - there is an imaginary flower farming textbook, or should I say BIBLE? I’m just going to say it…I think a lot of what is shared in this imaginary bible is over the top. Or maybe just too extreme for my laid-back style. I mean, a fish tank bubbler for soaking ranunculus!?! I’m definitely a believer in doing whatever works for you and a fish tank bubbler simply doesn’t work for me.

Because I’m not a devote textbook grower who follows best practices, I’ve shied away from promoting my relaxed growing style.

Lynsey Taulbee Digging Dahlia Tubers in Raised Beds

I mean… I use Miracle Grow potting soil to make soil blocks on my kitchen counter. And go ahead and shoot me now - it contains peat! I transplant my plugs several weeks prior to our average last frost date and say a little prayer we don’t get a late freeze. I haven’t had a soil test done in years. I’ve never used amendments and refuse to spray a fertilizer that smells like a bucket of rotting fish guts around my beautiful flowers. Sunflowers are the only flower I succession plant, I make my field plan in 20 minutes on a scrap piece of paper and axed all foliage from my field plan.

Who am I to teach YOU how to grow flowers?

Miracle-Gro Soil to Make Soil Blocks for Seed Starting

Insert definition of imposter syndrome. The simplest definition of imposter syndrome is not feeling worthy or credentialed to do what you are doing. And I certainly don’t feel credentialed to spread my rule-breaking ways to the masses.

Recently in stories, I asked my community what they wanted more of in my Instagram stories and gave the options of growing tips, daily life, pets or business tips. I thought my hairball dropping crew of pets would take the cake, but they fell flat.

How to grow flowers was the overwhelming winner. While I am a flower farmer that loves to help budding growers build a thriving cut-flower business, I consider my growing tips…lacking.

Instagram Poll How to Grow Flowers

But the results were a gentle reminder, ok—maybe a slap in the face reminder, that my community doesn’t want textbook. They don’t want to know the perfect way. They want to know MY way.

How I grow incredibly beautiful flowers in 3 steps instead of 12. How I grow incredibly beautiful flowers with resources available to me versus ordering fancy soil from Amazon. How I grow incredibly beautiful flowers without using amendments, fertilizers, flower food or preservatives. My community wants to know how I do it. And if I could further capitalize “I” in that last sentence, I would.

Buckets of Cut Flowers Bachelor Button Bupleurum Phlox Calendula Forget-Me-Not

If they wanted to know what the textbook says, they could print off growing sheets. But no. They want to know the willy wonka ways I grow flowers because my way works too.

Lynsey Taulbee Harvesting Daffodils Narcissus in Pajamas

Consider this little Instagram poll and post that reminder you need. People are actively choosing YOU and the way YOU do it. Whether it’s wrong, right or half-ass backwards, they are choosing you.

No matter your style of flower business, your community isn’t buying perfection. They are buying your secret sauce. They want your ways, your spin and your take. So show up and embrace who you are and the unique style that is you. That is what they want!


Raised Garden Beds: Are They Right for Your Cut Flower Garden?


How to Make Low Tunnel Hoops