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Numbers, Peonies Lynsey Taulbee Numbers, Peonies Lynsey Taulbee

Peonies as a Long-Term Investment

One Saturday morning, I was explaining to my husband the future value of the 4,000 peony roots already planted on our farm. Not the value in the flowers they produce each spring which is what most think about, but the value in the roots that are multiplying underground with time. That's when he suggested, “Why don’t you just plant more of them on our property? Use the peonies as the investment you’ve been looking for.” (How thankful am I to have a husband who truly believes in this flower thing?)

I immediately grabbed a piece of scrap paper and started crunching the numbers, and what I found was eye-opening. Let’s break it down.

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Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Starting a Flower Farm: First Season Costs and Expenses (It’s Less Than You Think)

So, you want to start a flower farm! Your mind is probably buzzing with all the exciting possibilities—envisioning a beautiful barn for workshops, rows of perfect flower beds, a small peony field, and a section of perennials to complement your annuals. You’re ready to hit the ground running to turn that vision into your reality.

But wait! 🛑

Let’s pause for a moment and rethink the plan.

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Growing Flowers, Sales & Marketing, Numbers Lynsey Taulbee Growing Flowers, Sales & Marketing, Numbers Lynsey Taulbee

Deciding What to Plant: Sunflowers or Dahlias

Have you ever had an empty space in your field and wondered what to plant? Many just plant what they enjoy growing the most or maybe what’s easiest to grow. But when you are running a cut flower business, you gotta look at it from a business perspective. What flower will provide the most yield. And when I say yield, I’m talking about profit.

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Peonies, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Peonies, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Peonies: A Profit and Expense Guide for Flower Farmers

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen me refer to my peony field as “My husband’s retirement gig.” Let me explain why.

Once a peony is established—which takes years—a single plant can produce more than 50 blooms a year. Let’s be incredibly, uber conservative and say that you harvest 15 stems per plant each season and charge a low price of $4 per stem. This would mean each plant would bring in $60 in sales per year.

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Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Maximizing Your Flower Farm's Profit: A Guide to Profit Planning

If you were to ask me about my profit plan in year one, I would have told you it was to sell as many flowers as I could. THAT was my profit plan! Sound familiar? If so, you aren’t alone. As flower farmers, our passion for growing flowers and spreading joy is often the driving force behind our work, not the profits. But if you want to transform this passion into a sustainable business, you gotta have a plan.

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Lessons Learned, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Lessons Learned, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

How My Flower Farm Continues to Generate Over $250,000 Year After Year

Can we start breaking the unspoken rule we inherited from our grandparents and start talking about making money? I think it’s beyond time to expose the underground world of numbers, sales and profit and utilize this data to show what is possible.

Now that I got that off my chest, let’s get into what this article is all about - how I generated over $250k in sales in one year from my flower farm, Muddy Acres Flower Farm. And did I mention that I had just one (incredible) very part-time employee?

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